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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for September 29, 2024

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.
Those ailing will experience a fast recovery. You will be able to curb extra expenditure by judicious spending. A family function may find you in your element. If you are planning on embarking on a short vacation, now’s the time when you enjoy the most. You are likely to get someone’s appointment that you had sought previously. You may not be able to enjoy the extra time on your hands.
Love Focus: A new love interest promises to make the days ahead exciting!
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Health remains satisfactory through your own efforts. Financially, you are likely to find the day profitable. You will be able to devote equal time to family and work. Some improvements may be carried out on the home front. You may need to deal with someone with a firm hand. Some urgent issues may need to be addressed immediately.
Love Focus: Time has come an inch closer to the one you have taken a fancy for on the romantic front.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Royal Blue
A change of diet and daily routine may prove a boon for your health. You will manage to stabilise your financial front without facing a cash crunch. On the family front, you are likely to kiss and make up, and salvage a situation from turning ugly. Some of you may get a chance to accompany a visitor on an all-paid leisure trip. It is about time you open your eyes and get the true picture.
Love Focus: A gift will be the surest way to get a lover in an upbeat mood.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Red
You are likely to find yourself in the best of health. An enhancement in salary or an additional perk cannot be ruled out for some. A family youngster may challenge your authority and get you all upset. Retailers may think along the lines of opening some new showrooms. Travelling towards the west appears auspicious. There is no need to get panicky over an issue, as this too shall pass.
Love Focus: Lonely hearts get lucky by casting their net wider!
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Brown
Those feeling under the weather for sometime will show good recovery. Some new sources of income open up and add to your coffers. This is a good time for retailers to enhance their earning as the market seems favourable. Those craving a peaceful family life may find peace and quiet rather too boring! Some of you can use a carpool to go to the office. You can feel reluctant in inviting someone to your home.
Love Focus: Those planning an outing with lover are slated to have a good time.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Purple
Remaining a choosy eater may turn out to be a boon for your health. Capital for a new venture will pose no problems as you are able to raise a loan. Freelancers are likely to strike it rich and bag a lucrative project. You will have to be firm with those around you to enjoy an uninterrupted private pursuit at home. Those travelling to the countryside will love the open air and natural surroundings. There is no point in crying over spilt milk; get on with your life.
Love Focus: Your splendid suggestion is likely to be lapped up by a lover.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Green
Interest awakened for meditation or yoga will do you a whale of good. Things begin to look bright on the financial front for some. Good management by effective delegation will keep the current project going smoothly. You will be able to give a solution to a domestic problem that will appeal to all family members. Travelling to meet someone close is on the cards for some. Those attempting to turn over a new leaf should continue their efforts.
Love Focus: Your romantic aspirations will soon be realised at a party or a get-together.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Something new may be started on the health front just to come back in shape. Financial prospects are on the ascendent as money from an unexpected source comes to you. You will find the energy to undertake a task on the home front. Much fun is in store for youngsters undertaking a journey to someplace exotic. Attending an out-of-town function is possible for some. A social event may find you in your element.
Love Focus: You will get the chance to share your romantic feelings with the special one in your life.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Golden
A minor ailment is likely to get cured through a home remedy. The financial situation gets strengthened as money flows in. Those in retail will be able to sell their wares at a huge margin. Spending time with children or younger siblings will help in cementing loving bonds. It is an excellent day to travel, have fun, and eat out. A social gathering is likely to provide you with an opportunity to network.
Love Focus: Those in love can expect a rocking time together.
Lucky Number:17
Lucky Colour: Grey
Good health and positivity are yours for the asking on the fitness front. Past investments will make you feel financially secure. People may refuse to see your point of view on the family front and frustrate you. A comfortable journey is foreseen for those who are on long-distance travel. Getting invited to a celebrity do is on the cards on the social front. Going for a spin just to let your hair down is possible.
Love Focus: Mutual respect and understanding will take your love to a new level.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Silver
Remain positive to remain healthy. Buying something big is on the cards as you manage your finances well. Getting a good offer on the professional front is likely but will require effort. Your mind may get diverted to a new development on the domestic front. You can enjoy an outing with your near and dear ones today. An invitation to marriage or a function is likely for some.
Love Focus: Care and support of the lover will provide a sense of immense fulfilment.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Magenta
You may resolve to follow a specific diet and benefit. Luck favours you on the financial front as you come across big money. You can get worried for a family youngster, but your worries will be unfounded. Too much commuting can get on your nerves. A social commitment may have to be honoured, even if it means taking a break from work. Those needing a change may decide to shift residence.
Love Focus: Those in love are likely to have fun with an opposite number.
Lucky Number:1
Lucky Colour: Peach
